Monday, April 28, 2008

The recipe I will not write

Last week-end was the first really nice week-end of the spring (sunny, 24°C) and so it was perfect for a picnic. As it was also a way to celebrate my birthday for the second time, I decided I should prepare a birthday cake.
My mother used to bake it every year for my birthday so it became my official birthday cake... As I still have no oven (and no place to have one!) , Emilie was kind enough to lend me hers. It was the first time I was preparing it by myself and it turned out to be really good! (I don't have a picture because it was eaten to quickly!)

Unfortunately, I'm not ready to post the recipe on the interweb right now...
This recipe came from my grandmother (father's side) and my mother only got it by watching her preparing it...
So you will have to wait some time or become a spy and watch me next year when I will bake it again for my birthday!



Anonymous said...

ooooo family recipe... with lots of chocolate? ;)

Anne said...

of course!

Chloé said...

btw i think i forgot to tell you (well i did say it but perhaps not loud enough because of a full mouth...)
i'll have to show you my family's bday cake now... though it's not as extraordinary... now, my family's chocolate cake (inherited by spying on elders too!) ... THAT's something ;) mouahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

why do i not have a family chocolate cake recipe?? so jealous... maybe i should start creating one... /rolleyes