For few weeks we can find beautiful tasty strawberries on the market... And that's hard to resist sometimes... Last 2 sunday I came back home with 500g wonderful strawberries.
The easiest and best way to eat them according to my taste is to alternatively dip them in cream and sugar (not that they need more sugar). But after eating some for lunch dessert, "gouter", diner dessert, and breakfast the day after... I still had some leftover.
Unfortunately this is not a kind of fruit that can be kept easily and I find 2 ways of using them the second day.
A chemist friend (whom cooking blog has disapeared) told me I should try with Balsamic vinegar...
Strawberries with Balsamic syrup
- just put 2 spoons of balsamic vinegar in a pan an let it reduce until it look like a syrup
- during that time, cut the strawberries in pieces
- whip 2 spoons of cream with a little sugar
Put the whiped cream in a plate, add pieces of strawberries and top with balsamic syrup...
Strawberries soup
Take the juice of a grapefruit. Warm the juice until boiling, and add strawberries cut in pieces. and cook for 5 min.
Sweeten with liquid honey. Once you take it out of the fire, you can add some mint leafs.
Serve cold
the soup looks lovely /drools
also, with Lil we did a variant on the balsamic vinegar use this week-end: just marinate the strawberries in some vinegar (and some sugar perhaps) and yum :P
other possibility: the smoothie! some strawberries, an orange, a banana and some lemon and a few seconds' mix later, you're in heaven :D
(milshake is also an option of course)
actually smoothie was an option but I was too lazy... smoothie= having to clean the food processor!
indeed, when chloe was here, we just marinated the strawberry in balsamic vinegas and sugar, no cooking required ;)
hehehe, that would be MY version of lazy... :p
actually, the 1st recipe was an excuse to prepare and eat whiped cream :-p
hey, i tried the strawberry soup this week-end! it was SO GOOD :D though i couldn't find any fresh mint to add so i'll have to start again sometime SOON :D
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