My grandfather is gone for a while now, but last week he would have been 100.
As a man of the 1st half of the 20th century, he was not very found of cooking. He prefers to wander in his garden and take care of his trees. Nevertheless, when I think about him, there are 2 things that come to my mind any time : "mousse au chocolat" (do I need to translate?) and "compote de pomme" (sweet apple sauce). They were the only things I ever saw him cooking, but believe me, they were the best I ever ate.
He made the apple sauce with apples from his garden. They were little, acid and impossible to eat without being cooked... And that is the easiest recipe in the world...
Sweet apple sauce
Per person :
2 small apples
1/2 glass of water
Peel and chops the apples in pieces.
Put them in a pan with the water and spices (no need to add sugar)
Cover and forget in on medium heat for an hour.
When cooked, the apple can me mashed juste by steering with a wooden spoon, but I prefer to let them in small pieces.
Serve still warm with vanillia icecream...
your post made me crave for vanilla ice cream so i ate some for brekkie this morning... :p
too cold here for icecreams brrr
but if you're back there dirung summer I have an adress for chocolate sorbets
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